Why Get Senior Portraits Taken?

Why Get Senior Portraits Taken?

Do you know someone about to enter their final year of high school? Now is a great time to think about senior portraits! Our Blue Cardinal Photography staff are trained to work with many different people to capture their special moments, including those of all ages.

You may ask, why should a photographer take these photos at a special location? Can’t I just take some myself on my phone? The answer, of course, is yes, but we are here to tell you just a few of the benefits of having a professional do the job instead.

Good angles, lighting, poses

Photographers are knowledgeable in what exactly is going to make a good photo based on the location they’re at. Namely, there is more to it than placing someone in front of a phone and telling them to smile! Good angles and perspectives, ideal lighting, and natural looking poses are just a few of these imperative elements. For example, knowing the horizon line and shooting accordingly will keep your subject at the focus and not awkwardly placed. There are also other ways to alter a viewpoint or to work with different lenses to create more captivating effects. Just using a few of these tips and tricks can really make an image pop.

Personal comfort levels

High schoolers may not be thrilled with the idea of a parent taking their photo and telling them what to do. As a result, having someone unfamiliar guide them through a photoshoot can actually be reassuring. Through their experience, skilled photographers make people feel most comfortable and self-assured. After all, posing for photos can otherwise be an awkward situation, especially for those who feel less confident. Luckily, our photographers know how to work with different people to get good and organic shots rather than stiff and forced ones. Looking as natural and relaxed as possible will allow for the best shots!

Editing software

In the end, we cannot stress enough the importance of good editing software for your photos. We often use Adobe Lightroom to enhance colors, take care of small blemishes, and adjust exposure levels. Through practice, photographers are aware of just what enhancements they need to make to produce high-quality looking photos.

Below, view just a few examples of seniors from Cedar Crest High School who took senior portraits with us.

Four portraits of high school seniors sit beside one another in one row.

View our portraits page on Blue Cardinal Photography’s website for more information on scheduling senior portraits. In addition, you can find out more about our photography and video services on our website.

Helpful Hints

June 21, 2024

(2 min. read)